Lagos will be the city of Speed ​​Skating in 2017,
After the allocation of the European Championship organization, the European Speed ​​Skating Committee, CEC, announced the 9 stages of the European Cup – EURO CUP – of 2017,
Where Lagos stands out as the inaugural stage, from 7 to 9 April.

Lagos will host the best skaters of the old continent and the XIV TERRAS do INFANTE is expected to surpass the record 358 participants in 2016 from 49 clubs and 11 countries.

The races will be on Friday, April 7, starting at the end of the afternoon, Saturday, April 8 throughout the day (morning, afternoon and night), both days at Júlio Dantas School Track and Sunday, with two days , In the morning on the road – Avenida dos Descobrimentos, with the half marathon, around the city of Lagos and in the afternoon, with the finals and prizes.